When H2O Becomes OH NO: How Water can Impact Foundations

When H2O Becomes OH NO: How Water can Impact Foundations

Did you know that even a tiny trickle of water can wreak havoc on your home’s foundation? It’s true! While your foundation is built to be tough, constantly battling moisture can lead to expensive repairs down the road.

Don’t let a leaky faucet or a heavy downpour turn into a foundation nightmare. In this guide, we’ll reveal the sneaky ways water can damage your foundation, along with the tell-tale signs you shouldn’t ignore. But most importantly, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and easy-to-implement strategies to keep your foundation strong and dry for years to come.

Sneaky Ways Water Can Damage Your Foundation

Your home’s foundation, though sturdy, isn’t immune to threats. Water, often overlooked, can be a significant cause of foundation damage. Here’s how it happens:

Hidden Leaks: Leaky pipes hidden behind walls or under the foundation quietly release water, slowly weakening the soil. This erosion can lead to cracks and settling.

Drainage Problems: When rainwater isn’t guided away from your home due to blocked gutters, improper grading, or faulty downspouts, it can saturate the soil around your foundation. This extra moisture puts pressure on foundation walls, possibly causing cracks and bowing.

Heavy Rain: While light rain is harmless, heavy downpours can overwhelm drainage systems, resulting in pooling around the foundation. This can lead to similar issues as poor drainage, putting your foundation at risk.

Winter Hazards: Freezing temperatures bring their own challenges. Water inside pipes can freeze and expand, causing pipes to burst and potentially damaging the foundation and surrounding soil.

Basement Flooding: While basements aren’t common in most Texan homes, having one without good waterproofing can spell trouble. Without proper protection, groundwater can seep into the walls, possibly leading to flooding. When water gets into your basement, it not only ruins the space but also harms your foundation’s strength.

Prevention Strategies to Protect Your Foundation From Water Damage

Now that we know how water can mess with your foundation, let’s talk about how to keep it in check.

Smart Drainage

One of the best ways to shield your house from potential water damage is to pay attention to our drainage best practices around your home.

If you need a quick refresher, the main things to look out for to make sure water is correctly draining around your home are:

  • Grading/Slope – make sure the ground around your home slopes away from the foundation. This way, water flows away instead of pooling up and causing trouble.
  • Gutters and Downspouts – if you don’t already, install a gutter system on your roof to direct water flow. Add extensions to your downspouts to steer water farther away from your house. This prevents it from pooling near the foundation and causing problems.
  • Gutter Maintenance – regularly clear out your gutters to stop water from backing up and hanging around your foundation. Adding gutter guards can help keep them clear and make maintenance a breeze.

Install Drains – this one might require a professional’s help, but make sure your home has a good drainage system to get rid of excess water effectively. If you need help with this or want some advice, get in touch with us for a recommendation.

Fix Leaks ASAP

Don’t ignore plumbing leaks – they can lead to water soaking into the soil around your foundation, potentially causing devastating damage to your home.

Keep an eye out for signs of leaks, such as damp spots, water stains, or a sudden increase in water bills. Inspect plumbing fixtures, including faucets, toilets, and pipes, for any signs of dripping or pooling water.

As soon as you find a leak, take action immediately! Tighten connections, replace seals, or patch up damaged pipes if you can. For bigger issues or if you’re unsure, get a pro plumber to check it out. It might seem like you’re saving money by putting off repairs, but delaying can lead to bigger issues and higher costs later on. Fixing leaks promptly saves you hassle and cash in the long run.

Waterproof Your Foundation

Waterproofing your foundation is a must-do to keep water out and your home safe. Without proper waterproofing, the foundation of your home is vulnerable whenever there is water or excessive moisture is present. Waterproofing helps prevent mold, rot, and cracks – keeping everything solid and dry.

There are different ways to do it, like sealing the exterior of your foundation with a waterproofing product to stop water seeping in, installing sump pumps underneath your foundation, or installing advanced drainage solutions (like French drains). Some stuff you can DIY, but for big jobs, call in the pros. And don’t forget to check things regularly to make sure it’s all holding up. Sure, it costs a bit, but it’s worth it to protect your home in the long run.

Another big reason to waterproof your foundation: Flash floods. As many Texans are all too aware, flash flooding poses a real risk for residents in certain areas. Being prepared for potential flooding is key to preventing excessive water damage to your foundation. Using the waterproofing techniques we’ve talked about is vital to keep water out and lessen the risk of your foundation getting shifted by floods.

Signs That Water is Damaging Your Foundation

There are some tell-tale signs water may be damaging your foundation; here are some of the clues this could be happening:

  • Bowed walls
  • Uneven floors
  • Cracks in walls or slab
  • Water pooling at ground level and in the basement

If you notice ANY of these problems at home, don’t wait – reach out to a foundation repair expert right away. There could be bigger issues lurking beneath the surface. When it comes to potential water damage issues, the sooner the problem is taken care of the better.

Schedule Your Home’s Foundation Inspection Today

At Pinnacle Foundation Repair, we’re here to assist you with all your foundation repair needs. We offer an extensive range of foundation repair services, including drainage to keep your home waterproof and to prevent water from damaging your foundation.

Did we mention we provide FREE inspections for your peace of mind? If you’re concerned about potential water damage to your foundation or any other foundation-related issues, reach out to us today to learn how we can help.


Robby Brown

Robby Brown is the founder of Pinnacle Foundation Repair, a foundation repair company that has been serving Texas for over 20 years.

 Follow me on LinkedIn.

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