Living in a House with Foundation Problems: Signs and Solutions


You might brush off a crack here and there as just part of owning an older home or dealing with changes in temperature. But when those cracks start multiplying and your doors won’t close right, it’s time to pay attention. You might find yourself wondering what to do next and if it’s even safe to stay put in a home with possible foundation issues.

Is that Crack Serious? Signs of Foundation Issues

Noticing cracks in your foundation can be unsettling. While some hairline cracks are minor and can occur naturally over time, they can also be a sign of a more serious foundation problem. Here’s what to watch for:

Multiple cracks: One small crack might not be a huge concern. But if you see several cracks, especially large or diagonal ones, it’s time to investigate further.

Widening cracks: Monitor the size of cracks. If they seem to be growing larger, it’s a sign of a foundation issue that needs addressing. If you notice any cracks over 1/4-inch wide, call a professional to take a look.

Uneven floors: A foundation that’s settling unevenly can cause your floors to slope or become bouncy.

Door and window problems: Sticking doors and windows that won’t latch properly can indicate foundation movement.

These signs are all red flags that your home’s foundation might be in trouble.

Is It Safe to Stay Put?

Safety is a big deal when you suspect there’s something up with your home’s structure. You might worry that your home isn’t as solid as it should be and that things could get worse.

Your family’s safety comes first, and you definitely don’t want to risk them living in an unsafe place. Cracks in your foundation don’t mean that your house is on the verge of collapsing, but even if the structure seems okay for now, there could be other problems stemming from the foundation issues:

Water intrusion and mold growth: Cracks in your foundation can let water sneak in, leading to dampness and potential mold. Mold can be a serious health issue, especially if you have allergies or breathing problems.

Pest problems: Cracks are like open doors for bugs and rodents, which can be a health risk and cause damage to your property.

Decreased property value: Foundation problems can negatively affect your home’s value, making it hard to sell or refinance.

What Should You Do If Your Home Has Foundation Problems

If you think your home might have foundation issues, the smart move is to call a foundation repair company right away. Waiting around just gives those issues time to get worse (and more expensive to fix). Living in a house with foundation problems can lead to serious issues, so it’s crucial to get your property checked out quickly.

The repair company will assess the damage to your foundation and figure out what needs to be done to fix it. Once you have all the details, you can decide on the best way to deal with the problem and whether it’s safe to stay in your home while repairs are underway.

Don't Wait – Schedule Your Free Inspection Today!

For decades, Pinnacle Foundation Repair has been the trusted name in Texas for foundation repair. We understand the unique challenges Texas soil presents to homeowners, and how crucial it is to tackle foundation issues head-on.

That’s why we offer a completely FREE inspection. Our experts will thoroughly assess your foundation and provide a clear picture of any necessary repairs. Don’t wait for minor cracks to become major problems – schedule your inspection today! Contact us to get started and ensure the lasting stability of your home.


Robby Brown

Robby Brown is the founder of Pinnacle Foundation Repair, a foundation repair company that has been serving Texas for over 20 years.

 Follow me on LinkedIn.

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