Nationwide Distribution Center

Nationwide Distribution Center

A Nationwide Distribution Center located at 4700 Amon Carter Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas, experienced significant foundation settlement issues. The facility manager observed these problems in multiple areas of the building, leading to safety and privacy concerns. The client sought an effective solution to address the issue and restore the integrity of the building.

Project Overview

Project Address: 4700 Amon Carter Blvd, Fort Worth, Texas
Submarket: Greater SW/Arlington
Building Size: 346,000 SF
Built In: 1996
Building Type: Tilt Wall Construction – Interior Floating Slab
Building Use: Nationwide Distribution Center
Area Affected: 12,500 SF

Client Concerns

The facility manager noticed foundation issues in various areas of the building, including the entry foyer, stairwells, executive offices, reception area, and HR headquarters. These issues manifested as large cracks in the drywall, doors not functioning correctly, and significant gaps between the base of the walls and the floor (2 to 4 inches). The primary concern was the safety and privacy of employees and operations due to these problems.

Client Actions

To address the concerns, the client engaged an engineering firm for a detailed evaluation and diagnosis of the issues. The engineer’s report cost over $20,000. During this process, the client also requested a free assessment from our company. We conducted a thorough inspection within 48 hours, identifying the areas of concern and proposing a repair recommendation.

The client received assessments from four other foundation repair companies. Upon receiving the final engineer’s report, the client found that our recommendations aligned with those of the engineer. The engineer also suggested using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to determine if additional piers were needed along with a void-fill solution. However, the client declined this service due to the additional cost.

Our Solution

Our company had the GPR equipment and provided the service during our initial evaluation, free of charge. We determined that the slab was a floating slab independent of the exterior tilt wall construction, indicating a solid 7″ slab with no deep-grade beams. Thus, additional piers were not required.

We proposed a pressure-injected mudjacking solution to address the client’s concerns. This method involved pumping a slurry mixture under the affected areas to fill voids and lift the settled sections of the foundation back to their original position. The pressure-injected mudjacking solution proved to be a cost-effective and efficient way to repair the foundation issues without compromising the building’s structural integrity.

Our company provided a timely and effective solution to the foundation issues at the Nationwide Distribution Center in Fort Worth, Texas. The pressure-injected mudjacking solution addressed the client’s concerns regarding safety and privacy and restored the integrity of the building. By leveraging our expertise and equipment, we offered a comprehensive and cost-effective solution, aligning with the recommendations of the engineer’s report.