Drywall Cracks: Signs of Foundation Issues or Something Else?

Drywall Cracks: Signs of Foundation Issues or Something Else?

Drywall cracks are a common sight in many homes. Whether they’re tiny lines or big gaps, they can be an eyesore to look at and make you wonder if there’s something more going on. But are these cracks just a cosmetic issue, or could they mean there’s trouble with your home’s foundation?

Drywall cracks come in all shapes and sizes, from vertical lines to horizontal splits and even zigzag patterns. Some cracks are no big deal and happen naturally because your house is settling or the weather’s changing. But others might hint at more serious issues lurking beneath the surface.

Drywall Cracks vs. Foundation Problems

So, how can you tell if your drywall cracks are connected to foundation issues? Pay attention to where the cracks are and how they look.

Vertical cracks near doors or windows, horizontal ones along the ceiling, or stair-step cracks in the corners of walls might mean trouble. But if they’re smaller hairline cracks scattered throughout the house, they’re probably nothing to stress about.

When Drywall Cracks Are a Problem

If you notice drywall cracks that fit the profile of foundation-related issues, don’t ignore them! Ignoring these warning signs can lead to far more significant foundation problems down the road, potentially including structural damage to your home. It’s best to tackle the issue early to prevent any more damage.

What Causes Cracks to Appear in Drywall?

Your foundation can develop cracks in the drywall due to a few different reasons – most outside of your control!

Shrinking Soil: When it’s dry out, clay soil can shrink away from your foundation, making it settle unevenly.

Expansive Soils: On the flip side, clay soil can expand a lot when it’s wet, putting pressure on your foundation walls.

Improper Drainage: If your home’s drainage isn’t great, the soil around your foundation can get really wet, causing all sorts of foundation issues. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are in good condition, and the grading of your soil outside your home slopes away from the house.

Settling Foundations: As buildings settle over time, the weight distribution changes, resulting in drywall cracks. The type of soil matters too: clay soils tend to settle more than sandy or gravelly soils.

Environmental Pressures: Extreme weather like strong winds, earthquakes, or heavy rain and snow can stress your walls, leading to drywall cracks. When water seeps into walls and freezes, it expands, causing buckling and cracking. Excessive condensation trapped inside walls can also cause damage.

Installation Mistakes: Improper drywall installation by inexperienced contractors can lead to cracks. Walls that aren’t finished correctly or haven’t been allowed enough time to dry before painting are more prone to cracking.

When to Call a Foundation Repair Professional

As we’ve found out, not all cracks require immediate foundation repair or the need to call in the pros. However, keep an eye out for these signs, and if you notice any in your home, call a professional right away to inspect your home:

Large Cracks: If they’re wider than a quarter-inch, it’s time to act.

How They Run: Vertical or diagonal cracks are more concerning than small horizontal ones, and can indicate foundation issues underneath.

Widespread Cracking: If cracks are showing up all over your house in multiple areas, it’s a red flag for a bigger problem.

Steps to Deal with Drywall Cracks and Foundation Problems

First things first, get a pro to check things out. At Pinnacle, our foundation repair experts can inspect your home and suggest the best solutions. With decades of experience diagnosing problems like these in homes across Texas, we’re skilled at deciphering the severity of drywall cracks, and whether they indicate a larger foundation issue below or not.

In short, not all drywall cracks mean your house is falling apart, but it’s good to pay attention. By understanding the connection between drywall cracks and foundation problems and acting when needed, you can keep your home strong and safe for years to come.

If you’re not sure what to do about your drywall cracks and are concerned, it’s always best to chat with a pro. Get in touch with Pinnacle Foundation Repair for your FREE inspection and consultation. We’ll take an honest look at your drywall cracks, inspect your foundation for signs of trouble (if any), and recommend what’s best for your home.


Robby Brown

Robby Brown is the founder of Pinnacle Foundation Repair, a foundation repair company that has been serving Texas for over 20 years.

 Follow me on LinkedIn.

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